Photo : YONHAP News

An international survey finds that 76 percent of South Koreans have negative views of Russia. 

A poll of 35 countries by U.S. think tank Pew Research Center released Wednesday showed Russia is viewed unfavorably in most of the countries.

Globally, a median of 65 percent of the adults in those countries have an unfavorable view of Russia, while just 28 percent have a favorable view. 

Negative opinions of Russia were the highest in Poland at 97 percent, followed by Sweden at 94 percent, Australia 91 percent, Japan 90 percent, the Netherlands 89 percent and the U.S. 86 percent.

While a majority of South Koreans have a negative view of Russia, 19 percent have a positive view. 

The survey also found most people in the countries surveyed have little or no confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin to do the right thing regarding world affairs. 

Ratings of Putin were the lowest in Poland at one percent, four percent in Sweden, six percent in Japan and seven percent in South Korea.