Photo : Korea Meteorological Administration

Rain clouds that caused downpours in the nation’s southern regions overnight have moved north toward the capital area and eastern Gangwon Province.

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA), the stationary front causing the monsoon rain has traveled northward, bringing precipitation of up to 50 millimeters per hour to the central region on Tuesday afternoon.

While the rain is expected to subside in the southern regions by Tuesday afternoon, additional precipitation, accompanied by thunder and lightning, is forecast for early Wednesday.

Up to 120 millimeters of downpours are expected in the central region, including Seoul, through Wednesday, and up to 80 millimeters in the south, including Gwangju and Busan.

Strong winds are also projected through Wednesday morning, with instantaneous wind speeds of more than 20 meters per second along the western and southern coasts, as well as over Jeju Island. The rest of the nation is set to see instantaneous wind speeds of more than 15 meters per second.