Photo : YONHAP News

South Korea and the United States began the fourth round of talks on Tuesday to renew their defense cost-sharing agreement for stationing U.S. Forces Korea(USFK) on the Korean Peninsula.

According to Seoul’s foreign ministry, the meeting in Seoul is scheduled to continue through Thursday.

On Monday, the ministry said Seoul plans to engage in the negotiation with the stance that the amount of its burden sharing for a stable USFK stationing and enhancement of the allies’ combined defense posture should be set within a “reasonable level.”

This week’s meeting follows the past three rounds that were held in late April, late May and mid-June.

The current Special Measures Agreement(SMA) outlining Seoul’s contribution of one-point-18 trillion won, or around 851 million U.S. dollars, as well as the annual defense cost increase, is set to expire at the end of 2025.