Photo : YONHAP News

Russian Ambassador to Seoul Georgy Zinoviev reportedly said that South Korea is signaling it is ready to restore relations with Russia as soon as the Ukraine crisis ends. 

The Russian envoy made the remarks in an interview with Russian media outlet RTVI on Monday, saying that Seoul wants to restore its relations with Moscow, but it is restricted by its alliance with the United States. 


Zinoviev reportedly said that his optimism is very limited as South Korea needs to listen sensitively to signals from the United States. However, he expressed hopes that Seoul will show more independence and actively seek ways to restore mutually beneficial relations with Russia.

The Russian envoy also expressed hopes that South Korea will not supply lethal weapons to Ukraine, adding that South Korea’s authorities understand that potential weapons supplies to Ukraine will not change the battlefield situation and will only ruin relations with Russia.

Zinoviev then warned that if South Korea crosses this red line, bilateral relations with Russia will be damaged for a long time.

As for the Korean Peninsula situation, the Russian ambassador said that tensions are increasing gradually on the peninsula due to provocative acts by the United States.