Photo : YONHAP News

Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly said on Thursday that South Korea would be making a “big mistake” if it supplies arms to Ukraine.

According to the Russian TASS news agency on Thursday, Putin made the remarks during a trip to Vietnam after South Korea said it would review the possibility of supplying arms to Ukraine while condemning a new treaty signed by North Korea and Russia. 

Putin reportedly said that if that happens, Russia will make corresponding decisions that will not please the current leadership of South Korea.

Earlier on Thursday, South Korea’s National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin said that the top office will “reconsider the issue of providing arms support to Ukraine” condemning Moscow and Pyongyang’s move to boost their military and economic cooperation with the adoption of a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty that includes a vow of mutual aid if either country is attacked.

Putin said that South Korea has nothing to worry about the treaty because it would only apply if either Russia or North Korea was attacked by a third country, adding as far as he knows, South Korea is not planning aggression against the North. 

However, he said that he can’t exclude providing North Korea with high-precision weapons as a response to Western arms deliveries to Ukraine.