Photo : YONHAP News

The prosecution said it plans to continue as scheduled its probe into allegations that First Lady Kim Keon-hee accepted a luxury bag as a gift from a pastor in 2022, regardless of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission’s(ACRC) decision to close its investigation into the same allegations.

Prosecutor General Lee One-seok told reporters on Tuesday that the prosecution’s probe will proceed without a hitch. 

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, which is handling the case, had previously said on Monday that it would continue with the probe in line with procedures. 

The office first plans to ascertain the reason behind the ACRC’s decision to close the case after concluding that its investigation found no violations of the anti-graft law. 

An official from the prosecution said the ACRC’s probe and the prosecutors’ investigation are separate, stressing that the prosecution has yet to reach any conclusion.