Photo : YONHAP News

This year’s monsoon season is forecast to begin on the southernmost island of Jeju between late Wednesday and early Thursday.

The Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) said on Tuesday that a trough of low pressure amid a stationary front in southern China is expected to cause rain over Jeju from late Wednesday or early Thursday, depending on its travel speed. The rain is projected to continue through early Friday.

As the stationary front approaches Jeju, likely on Thursday, a strong precipitation surpassing 30 millimeters per hour is in the forecast, with accumulation in the mountainous areas of up to 200 millimeters.

Although rains of up to 20 millimeters are also expected in parts of the southern region, the KMA said due to the stationary front near Jeju, it does not intend to announce that the monsoon rain has started in the region.

Strong heat waves are predicted for the central regions, with authorities set to expand the issuance of heat wave alerts to include the capital city of Seoul.