Photo : YONHAP News

Former President Moon Jae-in has refuted the attacks by the ruling People Power Party(PPP) over former First Lady Kim Jung-sook’s trip to India, calling such criticism an “obscene argument.”

On his Facebook on Wednesday, Moon dismissed the PPP’s claims that his wife had invited herself to the trip, saying she had accompanied him after much persuasion from others and on the recommendation of officials tasked with diplomatic affairs. 

He said making such claims is truly embarrassing and pathetic as he expressed concerns about what India would think about the trip that Seoul had worked hard on for the advancement of bilateral relations. 

On criticism that in-flight meals on the presidential plane for the trip amounted to nearly 63 million won, or around 46-thousand U.S. dollars, Moon stressed that whether such amount is excessive can be determined by comparing the costs that the current government spends on presidential trips. 

Also on the post, Moon uploaded the itinerary of his wife’s India trip which he said is the one he had been briefed on.