Photo : YONHAP News

Defense Minister Shin Won-sik condemned North Korea’s recent provocations during a ceremony to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the nation’s victory in the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong, which took place near the western maritime border between the two Koreas.

Speaking at the event held at the Navy’s 2nd Fleet Command in Pyeongtaek on Saturday, Shin said that North Korea has forgotten its defeat from 22 years ago and that our military will respond promptly and decisively if provoked again, adding that only strength can maintain peace. 

He also honored the Navy sailors who died in action, calling out the names of the six fallen heroes, and pledged to fortify the nation’s defense.

Aside from the Defense Minister, the ceremony was also attended by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Yang Yong-mo, and Vice Veterans Minister Lee Hee-wan, who took part in the battle.

The inter-Korean clash took place on June 29, 2002, after two North Korean patrol ships invaded the Northern Limit Line(NLL), the de facto maritime border, and launched a preemptive strike on the South Korean patrol boat.

The NLL was defended through an immediate counteraction by those onboard the vessel.