Photo : YONHAP News

A North Korean defectors’ group based in South Korea said it flew some 300-thousand anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets across the border late Thursday.

The Fighters for a Free North Korea(FFNK) revealed on Friday that it released 20 large balloons in Paju, Gyeonggi Province to the North between 10 p.m. Thursday and midnight.

The group said the balloons were carrying leaflets, one-dollar bills and flash drives containing Korean music and dramas. 

Paju City officials showed up right before the launch, according to the group, and did not try to stop them, however, the group moved to another location to send off the balloons.

Park Sang-hak, the head of the group, earlier said that his organization will continue to send leaflets across the border until North Korean leader Kim Jong-un apologizes for the North’s recent launch of trash-filled balloons to South Korea.

The group launched balloons carrying anti-North Korea leaflets on May 10 and June 6 while the North Korean People’s Liberation Front, another defectors’ group, said it also floated similar leaflets on June 7.

In retaliation, North Korea sent more than a thousand trash balloons between May 28 and June 9 and threatened that if more leaflets cross the border, it would respond with dozens of times more rubbish.