Vice Minister Requests Tokyo's Attention to Ensure S. Korean Firms Treated Fairly in Japan

Photo : YONHAP News

Second vice foreign minister Kang In-sun on Friday requested for Tokyo to give attention to its administrative guidance for the operator of the Line messaging app to review its capital relationship with South Korean tech giant Naver over security concerns.

At a meeting with Taisuke Mibae, the Japanese embassy’s deputy chief of mission and acting ambassador, Kang reiterated Seoul’s position that there must not be any unfair or discriminatory treatment of South Korean firms operating in Japan.

She then asked Tokyo to allow Naver to engage in fair and autonomous decision-making without any disadvantageous treatment or external pressure.

The South Korean government has been conveying such concerns to Tokyo, with the presidential office urging the neighboring country on Tuesday not to infringe on Naver’s interests if Line operator LY Corporation provides proper plans to beef up its information security.

During Friday’s meeting, Kang and Mibae also discussed ways to enhance bilateral economic cooperation, such as convening the two sides’ joint high-level economic consultative body within the year following its resumption in 2023.