Photo : YONHAP News

Singer Kim Ho-joong, accused of driving under the influence in a hit-and-run case earlier this month, is being questioned by the police.

Kim appeared for questioning at the Seoul Gangnam Police Station at around 2 p.m. on Tuesday. There was no press statement as he avoided meeting reporters before entering the police station. 

The 32-year-old is accused of crashing into a taxi in Seoul’s Gangnam District on May 9 and fleeing the scene before his assistant appeared at a police station and falsely confessed to the crime.

The singer himself admitted to having driven the car 17 hours later, under circumstances suggesting he had been drinking before getting behind the wheel.

After days of denial, Kim confessed on Monday that he had been driving under the influence at the time of the hit-and-run incident, adding that he deeply regrets what he did and is taking time to reflect on his actions.