Photo : YONHAP News

Anchor: President Yoon Suk Yeol during a press conference on Thursday reaffirmed South Korea’s strong commitment to refrain from directly supplying lethal weapons to any nation, including Ukraine, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining smooth ties with Russia. He also reaffirmed the steadfastness of the South Korea-U.S. alliance. Our Yun Sohyang has more. 

Report: President Yoon Suk Yeol said during the press conference on Thursday that South Korea will not directly ship deadly weapons to Ukraine while still maintaining a relationship with Russia.  
When asked if Seoul was going to help Kyiv defend itself against Russia, Yoon said that South Korea is doing its best to provide support and that its stance remains that it will not supply any such weaponry to any country. 

[Soundbite: President Yoon Suk Yeol (Korean-English)] 
“We are doing our best to provide Ukraine with humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid within the limits of the budget in accordance with the spirit of the constitution. We are supporting Ukraine abiding by our strict policy not to provide any support for offensive lethal weapons.” 

Mentioning the reports about arms shipments from North Korea to Russia, Yoon said that Seoul is taking necessary steps through the United Nations and the international community, as such actions from the North would be in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

[Soundbite: President Yoon Suk Yeol (Korean-English)]  
“Russia is a country with which we have had a good relationship for a long time…” 

However, Yoon said he is looking to sustain friendly ties with Russia while not directly responding to the question asking what he would consider to be a “red line” and what he would do if Russia does cross it. 

[Soundbite: President Yoon Suk Yeol (Korean-English)] 
“We will cooperate with Russia on matters of cooperation while we oppose or watch out for other issues but we will maintain amicable relations if possible and manage the relationship into one that seeks economic cooperation and mutual benefit.”

Meanwhile, Yoon stressed the robust alliance between South Korea and the United States, saying that it will not change when asked about the upcoming negotiation to renew the allies’ defense cost-sharing deal for the upkeep of the U.S. Forces Korea(USFK). 

[Soundbite: President Yoon Suk Yeol (Korean-English)]
“One thing that is clear is that both the U.S. government and the public, both parties, the Senate and House of Representatives and the administration have strong support for the ROK-U.S. alliance. I am certain that the robust alliance will not change.”

The remarks follow a report that former U.S. President Donald Trump hinted at withdrawing U.S. forces stationed in South Korea if Seoul fails to pay more defense costs.
Yun Sohyang, KBS WORLD Radio news.