Photo : YONHAP News

Newly elected floor leaders from the rival political parties met for the first time, where they seemingly engaged in a war of nerves over issues of partisan dispute.

Ruling People Power Party(PPP) floor leader Choo Kyung-ho, who paid a courtesy call to his main opposition Democratic Party(DP) counterpart Park Chan-dae on Monday, said he had high expectations about working with Park, who is well-characterized as someone agreeable to work with.

Park, in response, said he anticipates that Choo, a former finance minister, would contribute toward resolving economic and livelihood issues based on his experiences in dealing with the economy.

The DP floor leader then mentioned the opposition’s push to pass a bill on universal livelihood payout of 250-thousand won, or around 183 U.S. dollars, and President Yoon Suk Yeol’s acceptance of a special counsel probe into a controversial military report on the death of a Marine last year. Choo, in response, called to hold off on discussing specific matters for another time.

Following a closed-door meeting, both Choo and Park said they had agreed to meet frequently for discussions.