Photo : YONHAP News

The Medical Professors Association of Korea has called on the Supreme Court to exercise its power to swiftly deliberate a lawsuit as the top court reviews the association’s request to suspend the execution of the government’s plan to expand medical schools’ admissions quota.

In a petition submitted to the top court on Friday, the coalition of professors from medical schools asked the court to exercise its so-called litigation command authority so that the quota expansion plan and the government’s announcement of admissions guides are shelved until the top court makes its final decision on the association’s request. 

The group claimed that a final decision by the court should come by next Wednesday as it cited that the education minister has revealed plans to announce admissions guides next Thursday. 

The association then said the only way for trainee doctors and medical school students to come back to work and to school is to scrap the plan to expand the admissions quota by two-thousand backed by the decision of the court.