Photo : KBS

Large-scale demonstrations are under way across the nation on Wednesday, which marks Labor Day.

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, one of the nation’s two major umbrella unions, began holding a rally protesting the government’s labor policies in Gwanghwamun, near Seoul City Hall, from 2 p.m. 

The group estimates that as many as 25-thousand members will take part in the rally which involves members marching toward the labor ministry’s Seoul Regional Employment and Labor Office.

The Federation of Korean Trade Unions, the other major umbrella union, is staging a demonstration in Seoul’s western Yeouido district at the same time. 

The group estimates the rally will see the participation of some seven-thousand workers. 

Meanwhile, police mobilized 163 riot squads to tackle any illegal activities as it estimated that some 85-thousand people are set to take part in Labor Day demonstrations in 15 downtown areas across the nation. 

Police also requested the use of public transportation with traffic congestion expected in key downtown areas due to the rallies.