Photo : YONHAP News

Groups representing doctors and medical professors requested for the nation’s medical schools to hold off on announcing the revised admissions quotas for the 2025 academic year until the Supreme Court gives its final ruling regarding the implementation of the quota hike.

At a joint press conference on Monday, the Korean Medical Association and the Medical Professors Association of Korea said the admission requirements for next year were announced in May 2023, before the government announced its intention to increase the number of places.

The groups criticized the government for causing major confusion by abruptly announcing the quota hike of two-thousand in February, less than eight months before the start of the 2025 admissions process.

They urged the court to reach its final ruling on the suspension of execution before Thursday — ahead of the assumed deadline for schools to announce their admissions requirements — and to exercise authority over the government to halt a related administrative process during trial.

The Supreme Court is set to rule after the medical community again appealed an appellate court’s dismissal of its request for the suspension of the implementation of the quota hike.