Photo : YONHAP News

Chinese Premier Li Qiang reportedly met Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong on Sunday and encouraged the South Korean conglomerate to further invest in China.

According to the Chinese foreign ministry, Li told the Samsung chief that China hopes companies from both countries will explore cooperation in new areas such as advanced manufacturing, the digital economy, artificial intelligence and biomedicine. He added that this would enhance the quality of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. 

The Chinese premier stressed that the Great China market is always open to foreign businesses, adding that China will pursue a gradual, institutional opening of its market and actively address concerns and demands by foreign-invested companies. 

Li added that he hopes Samsung and other South Korean companies will continue to expand investment and cooperation in China and enjoy more opportunities brought about by China’s development. 

The Samsung chief reportedly expressed gratitude for the great support the Chinese government has provided for Samsung’s production and operations in China.