Photo : YONHAP News

President Yoon Suk Yeol and main opposition Democratic Party(DP) chief Lee Jae-myung shared the view that medical schools’ admissions quota must be expanded when they sat down for talks at the top office on Monday. 

According to Yoon’s senior press secretary Lee Do-woon, though the president and the DP chief failed to reach any concrete agreement during Monday’s talks, they had both stressed the need for medical reform and shared the opinion that expanding medical schools’ admission quota is inevitable. 

The presidential secretary added that the DP chief had said medical reform is an urgent task and that his party supports the direction of the president’s policies on such reform and will provide related cooperation. 

Lee also said the president and the DP chair agreed to meet often, adding that a three-way meeting could take place once the ruling camp’s new leadership is formed. 

The secretary went on to say that Yoon and Lee also shared the view that improving people’s livelihood is the most important task at hand.

He was quick to stress, however, that the duo had confirmed their differences on ways to go about improving people’s livelihood. 

The president was found to have told Lee that a consultative body comprising rival camps and the government could be needed to discuss people’s livelihood while the DP chair had suggested that ruling and opposition parties make use of the National Assembly first.