Photo : YONHAP News

South Korean Buddhist monks have reclaimed Buddhist relics from the Goryeo Dynasty from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
A delegation of the Jogye Order led by Venerable Hyegong and the head of Bongeunsa Temple Venerable Hosan visited the Boston museum on Tuesday and received three relics of Buddha and two sariras of revered Korean Buddhist monks.
The 14th-century relics were given to the Jogye Order as donations during a ceremony in the presence of the delegation, the South Korean consul general in Boston, Kim Jae-hui, and officials from the museum.
The Jogye Order delegation will return to South Korea with the relics on Thursday.
The Buddhist relics are believed to have been illegally taken out of Korea during the Japanese colonial period, and they have been kept at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, for the past 85 years.