Photo : YONHAP News

South Korea’s foreign ministry said it had cast a vote at the United Nations Security Council in support of Palestine’s UN membership in accordance with the “two-state solution,” after Israel said it would summon ambassadors from countries that supported the move in protest.

An official at the ministry said Seoul had sympathized with Palestine’s aspirations to become a UN member, with South Korea having secured membership after 42 years.

The official said Seoul has reaffirmed support for the “two-state solution,” expressed a clear position calling for reinforcement of impetus for a political process, while showing a will to help bridge the “Global South” and the rest of the international community.

Last Thursday, 12 out of 15 UNSC members, including South Korea, supported a resolution recommending Palestine’s membership, but it failed to pass with a veto by the U.S.

According to AFP, Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson Oren Marmorstein said the ministry planned to summon ambassadors from France, Japan, South Korea, Malta, Slovakia and Ecuador.