Photo : YONHAP News

President Yoon Suk Yeol’s approval rating slightly rose this week to reach 38 percent with less than a week to go until the April 10 general elections.

According to a joint survey of one-thousand-four adults nationwide conducted from Monday to Wednesday, 38 percent of respondents positively assessed the president’s handling of state affairs, up two percentage points from two weeks earlier. Fifty-five percent expressed their dissatisfaction, down one percentage point.

Ahead of the elections, 46 percent expressed a desire to support the government and the ruling People Power Party(PPP) to enable smoother running of state affairs, up two percentage points from the previous poll. Forty-seven percent said that it was important to support the main opposition Democratic Party(DP) to keep the government in check, down two percentage points.

Among the parties, the PPP received a 39 percent approval rating, compared to 29 percent for the DP and ten percent for former justice minister Cho Kuk’s Rebuilding Korea Party. Support for the PPP rose five percentage points, while that for the DP stayed the same.

Asked which party’s candidate they planned to vote for come April 10, 39 percent of respondents said the PPP while 37 percent opted for the DP. As for proportional representation, 31 percent said the PPP’s satellite party, while 23 percent said Cho’s party and 15 percent chose the DP’s satellite party.

The survey by Embrain Public, KSTAT Research, Korea Research International and Hankook Research has a confidence level of 95 percent with a margin of error of plus or minus three-point-one percentage points.