Photo : YONHAP News

To mark Korea’s Day of Persons with Disabilities, a group of demonstrators staged a die-in at a subway station in Seoul to protest discrimination against the disabled on Saturday.

Some 100 members of disability organizations, including the Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination, staged the demonstration for roughly an hour at an elevator of Hansung University Station on Seoul’s subway line No. 4 from 8 a.m. Saturday, demanding the enactment of a law that guarantees the rights of people with disabilities.

The Seoul Metro blocked some of the protesters from entering the station and took steps to remove protesters from the scene. Two of the demonstrators were taken to the police station after they attempted to enter the subway station. 

The protesters then held a demonstration at a park near Hyehwa Station, also on line No.4, from 10 a.m., calling for the swift passage of various bills regarding the disabled within the first year of the incoming 22nd National Assembly and also requested meetings with the heads of political parties.