Photo : YONHAP News

The Korean Medical Association (KMA), the country’s biggest doctors’ group, has rejected the government’s proposal to allow universities to decide their medical school quota by a range of 50 to 100 percent for the 2025 academic year.

The emergency committee of the KMA issued the position after a meeting in a statement on Saturday, saying that it recognizes that the government’s announcement is the result of its own serious deliberation to address the current situation, but the committee cannot accept it because it is not a fundamental solution.

The committee also refused to take part in a presidential special committee on medical reform, which is set to hold its inaugural meeting next week.

The committee said that the composition and role of the committee are poorly defined, and it would be meaningless to participate in a committee that would not properly reflect the committee’s opinions.

The committee then reiterated its calls for President Yoon Suk Yeol and the government to reconsider the plan to increase medical school admissions quotas.

Last month, the government announced how it planned to allocate the two-thousand extra places at the nation’s medical schools. However, the government backed down from the plan on Friday, announcing that universities will be allowed to scale down their medical school admissions increase by up to half of the government’s original plan for the academic year 2025.