Photo : YONHAP News

Amid a protracted standoff between the government and doctors regarding their collective action, signs of internal strife are intensifying at a major doctors’ association . 

The emergency committee of the Korean Medical Association(KMA) announced on Tuesday that a joint news conference by multiple doctors’ groups that was scheduled for some time after the general elections will not likely take place. 

The committee also expressed regret over KMA president-elect Lim Hyun-taek repeatedly calling for the resignation of committee chief Kim Taek-woo. 

The emergency committee reiterated that it will continue its operations through the end of the month and that the unified view of the medical community is that the issue of expanding medical schools’ admission quota should be revisited from square one. 

Amid concerns of med students being held back, the number of medical schools that have resumed classes grew from 14 to 16 on Tuesday. The rest of the nation’s 40 medical schools are likely to resume classes before the end of the month.