Photo : YONHAP News

The main opposition Democratic Party(DP) marked the sixth anniversary of the two Koreas’ Panmunjeom Declaration on Saturday, urging the Yoon Suk Yeol administration to end confrontation with North Korea.

In a statement, DP spokesperson Choi Min-seok said it would be difficult to say the two Koreas are currently at peace amid the ongoing confrontation and the North’s continued military provocations.

He said leaders from the two sides met at the truce village of Panmunjeom six years ago, agreeing on shared goals to diffuse cross-border military tensions and to establish a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.

Stating that achieving lasting peace on the peninsula is a goal that cannot be given up or compromised, the spokesperson said the opposition will uphold the spirit of the declaration to restore inter-Korean dialogue and to create an environment where there is no threat of war on the peninsula.

Choi also called on the North to halt military provocations that threaten the South Korean people and the peninsula’s peace, and for the regime to promptly return to dialogue.