Photo : YONHAP News

The number of people injured in the magnitude seven-point-two earthquake in Taiwan has surpassed one thousand with at least nine people killed. 

According to Taiwan’s state-owned Central News Agency on Thursday, Taiwanese authorities reported nine deaths, one-thousand-eleven injuries and 143 trapped as of 10 p.m. Wednesday after the strongest earthquake in Taiwan in 25 years hit the island in the morning. 

The nine deaths all came from the hardest-hit Hualien County on the east coast of Taiwan. 

Taroko National Park, a popular tourist destination in the country, issued an initial estimate that at least one thousand people were stranded in the mountain park. 

The Central News Agency said that 87 people were trapped in the mining area near the country, with 47 hotel workers on a bus left stranded. 

Taiwanese earthquake authorities said that the strong quake was followed by about 200 aftershocks, adding that aftershocks are likely to continue for two to three days.