Which side of the argument are you on?

The topic of AI is a touchy one, especially when it comes to artistry such as the K-Pop industry. It has become increasingly common for fans to make AI versions of K-Pop songs so that they sound like they’re sung by different artists, which some people enjoy and others despise. It’s a huge discussion to debate in terms of moral and ethical implications, but the general consensus towards the use of AI to create fake “covers” seems to trend more towards the negative side than otherwise.

However, when a K-Pop artist themselves promotes an AI cover, how are their fans supposed to react if they don’t support such things?

Taemin (SHINee) | BPM Entertainment

That’s the situation that many fans of SHINee‘s Taemin have found themselves in currently. Recently on fan app Bubble, Taemin sent a message to his followers recommending a song for them to listen to. However, it turned out to be an AI cover created by a fan to make it sound like the SHINee maknae covered Taeyeon‘s “All About You”.

It’s unclear at this point whether or not Taeyeon herself has heard about the cover, but the song has been getting a lot of attention on YouTube since Taemin shared it.

But it has drawn quite a bit of criticism from some netizens. The most common word being used on this side of the debate seems to be “disappointed”, as fans wonder why an artist such as Taemin could promote the use of AI when it threatens the careers of tons of artists on a global scale.




But not everyone is so critical. On the other side of the debate, fans are arguing that as long as Taemin himself doesn’t have an issue with his voice being used for this cover, then there isn’t a problem with it. And some people just don’t seem to have a problem with AI covers to begin with.



Where do you stand on this debate?