How many of these did you notice?

Recently, former Lovelyz member Mijoo got caught up in a dating rumor with soccer player Song Bum Keun after it was reported that the idol traveled to Yokohama, Japan, to see him.

Mijoo | @queen.chu_s/Instagram
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Song Bum Keun | @bumkeun_song/Instagram

On April 18, KST, Mijoo’s agency, Antenna, published a brief statement confirming their dating status.

They are currently getting to know each other. We ask that you warmly support the couple.

— Antenna

While the sudden romance came as a pleasant surprise for Mijoo’s fans, they also realized that they had missed out on some obvious hints before, given that the couple has quite a few “Lovestagrams.” The term is usually understood as two people in a relationship posting matching pictures on their Instagram profiles, with similar poses and backdrops, but not with each other in the frame.

The first post in question is from a week ago, in which Mijoo can be seen enjoying herself in Yokohama Chinatown. Song also shared almost identical pictures clicked at the same locations at a similar time.

A less obvious Lovestagram, however, was uploaded even before. On April 2, Mijoo shared some photos of her taken at a chain store named Eataly, seemingly in Shonan, Japan. On the same day, Song also uploaded his photos taken at the same place, evident due to the same tabletop in the pictures.

| @queen.chu_s/Instagram
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The Shonan Eataly store front | Yahoo Japan

The most recent pictures on the two’s profiles, posted on April 17, KST, were also very clearly a Lovestagram, as both Mijoo and Song are seen at the same spots, even holding the same dolphin-shaped balloon.

| @queen.chu_s/Instagram
| @bumkeun_song/Instagram

This couple really showed what “private, not secret” is possible in celebrity romances!